Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I Am The Hero of My Life

At this point in my life I am realizing that I am alone and yet my life is very full.  My life is really up to me and while I have friends and family near it is still up to me to decide what I want to do to build my future.

I spent the weekend alone on my houseboat and while I could do whatever I wanted there were still friends nearby that I could reach out to when I wanted to be social.  The realization that I was able to manage on my own was reassuring and gave me confidence in building my future. 

When I reflect back over my life I realize that I have been the designer, the developer and the creator of my life even though I was married for 55 years.  Everything I did before was created to benefit myself and those around me and now I can focus on what I want for myself.  The other day I realized that my home, car, and all the belongings are mine alone.  That was a different feeling since I had a partner most of my life.

So now, as I think back I know that I played a role that considered all those around me and always worked for the good of all.  I was the Hero that created a home, cared for and raised  children, managed a large organization for many years, supported friends & family whenever needed and stood strong for the rights of all. 

My story was all about me.  My trials, frustrations, sadness & joys.  And yet, there was nothing in my life that did not include others around me.  Several years ago I suffered from West Nile Virus and was in the hospital for almost 2 months.  While my prognosis was not good for a while I did recover and now I have good health.  When I was in the hospital and recovering my friends lifted me in prayer and helped me to regain my health.  Meals were brought to my home for several months and I had so much love and support during my illness. 

 And so, while I am the Hero of my life I am only able to be my own Hero because of the love & concern of those in my family, community and country who are supporting me and I am grateful. 


  1. You are my hero, dear friend. You and your family are one of my life's treasured blessings. Love you!
