Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Tomorrow I will be 75 years old or young.  I don't think much about age because I have always felt younger than my age, however, someone mentioned that I will be 3/4 of a century.  Boy that does sound old. 

Five years ago I almost died from West Nile Virus.  I was in the hospital for over 50 days and the outcome was not certain.  It took me a while to recover but I have always been pretty healthy and had so much support that there was no question in the minds of my family but that I would recover.  The strength of family friends and even mere acquaintances carried me through this most difficult time. 

I think that I felt there was no other option but to honor their thoughts & prayers through my own determination to recover and live a healthy and whole life.  I think I got a new lease on life at that time and so now I am determined to honor them. 

I live daily with gratitude and the expectation that all will be well.  I have a friend and every time I talk to him I leave the conversation feeling that all is in perfect order.  There is a feeling of reassurance and comfort in that thought. 

So I leave you with my thought for the coming year that all is well and in perfect order.  Rest assured that even though we see struggles all around us we can be the peace we wish to see in the world.

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