RESPECT is the name of a song made famous by the great singer Aretha Franklin. Since her recent death the song has been played many times. As I have listened to it I am reminded how important that word really is.
Respect is such an important thing in life and yet many times lately I have wondered what has happened to general respect for each other. In my lifetime I don't remember a time when so many have no respect for another's opinion or thoughts.
I am online and have enjoyed social media a lot. I have been able to connect with old friends, learn about what is happening in their lives and share times of celebration. That is important to me and I value the ability to participate. And yet I see people who are normally so kind and thoughtful spewing words of hate and vitriol that I hope they would never say to my face. Where is the respect for each other? What has happened to the belief that when I allow you to have your thoughts and opinions I can trust that you will do the same for me?
Someone mentioned that we should all ban certain television shows if we don't agree with what they say. I disagree and offer the thought that I respect the rights of other to think and believe as they wish so that I can expect the same in return. I encourage all of us to step back and consider the value of allowing others whatever we wish for ourselves.
I am also reminded of what one of my wise teachers taught me when she said that we might look at life as "interesting" rather than having to have an opinion about it all.
Good blog and your thoughts are so timely!!