Today I am mindful of the perfect order of life. It is often so hard for us to see or understand it but if we can look at things from a distance we get a much better perspective.
I have a great niece who is having some major health challenges and she is only nine years old. It is so hard to understand why a precious child has to face pain and suffering however if we consider her life purpose as well as our own we can be comforted that all is well..
I remember flying in an airplane and looking out the window at the beauty below. From that view all is well. We don't see the problems or difficulties of daily living and there is a peace about is all. It is all in how we look at it. I believe when we are facing challenges in life we get so bogged down in the problems that it is hard to see the perfection in them.
So for today I will allow myself to future pace and see how each difficulty or problem that I have faced in my life has lead me to a better place. I will look at things from a distance and know that all is well
Beautiful reminder