I saw this article in the newspaper today and thought it was worthy of posting on my blog.
Over two thousand years ago, the Buddha established a set of guidelines for
kings. They are known as the “Ten Royal Qualities.” Although these rules were
designed for kings, they are just as relevant for our leaders today. The ten
qualities are:
1. Charity – willingness to sacrifice oneʼs interest for the good of the people.
2. Morality – maintaining a high moral order in oneʼs personal conduct.
3. Altruism – generosity toward people, avoiding selfishness.
4. Honesty – fulfilling oneʼs duties with loyalty and integrity.
5. Gentleness – being kind and gentle, never arrogant.
6. Self-Control – performing oneʼs duties with dispassion.
7. Non-anger – remaining calm in the midst of confusion.
8. Non-violence – being non-violent, not persecuting the people.
9. Forbearance – practicing patience in oneʼs duties.
10. Uprightness – respecting public opinion, promoting harmony.
These are great qualities for everyone to adhere to and especially those who identify themselves as our leaders.
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