One of my favorite quotes I heard Wayne Dyer use. I am not certain where it came from but it states, "If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life you have imagined, you will have success unaccounted for in the common hour."
I love this statement and believe it has such a strong message. We hear people talking about positive thinking and the Law of Attraction and this is such a nice way to encourage and motivate ourselves to follow and activate our dreams. Some say "You will see it when you believe it," or as my father always said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," or "Ask believing you have received." So think about advancing with confidence in the direction of your dreams and actually living the life of your dreams or bringing your dreams into your present time reality. Then you will begin to see the success that is uncommon.
There is something so hopeful about this thought process. The words confidently, dreams, imagined,and success are all power words that can move us forward. Think on them and let yourself dream and you will have success unaccounted for in the common hour!
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