I have loved the statement that Viktor Frankyl said, and
I am paraphrasing."Suffering is no longer suffering when it finds a
purpose." Many times in my life
this has motivated me to keep going in the midst of challenges. I have always
felt when I faced difficulties that I must move beyond them and use those
experiences to benefit myself and others.
When my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's I had dreams
that my legs were cut off. I really did not know what to do or how to help her.
At the same time my favorite aunt had a brain tumor and died. It was truly the "dark night of my
I had a choice to either wallow in the sadness and self
pity or to find a purpose for my suffering.
That was when I found the Alzheimer's Association and dedicated myself
to helping others deal with the dreaded disease. Now, 19 years later, I realize that my
suffering was minimized by my actions.
After suffering from West Nile Virus this past year and
spending 52 days in the hospital I am not satisfied merely with my recovery. I am acutely aware that I must use my
experience and suffering to create greater awareness of the disease thereby
hopefully preventing others from getting the disease.
So many people supported me during my illness with their
prayers, thoughts and love. I felt like there was such an investment by others
for me to recover that I knew I would succeed.
So once again I am able to turn my suffering into purpose
with gratitude and faith.
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