What is a mother? A mother is a person who loves us more that herself, who gives us the last piece of food when she is hungry, who holds a perfect image of us when we are struggling, and will put herself in danger to protect us. She is all that and more.
Let me tell you about some of the incredible mothers I have known:
My mother was a hard worker who tried to create a better life for my sisters and me, than she had. While she was not well educated and only finished the 8th grade in school, she educated herself and taught us how to learn from our experiences. She was never fearful, as far as I could tell, and she was willing to take on any challenge that confronted her. She taught me strength, determination and compassion.
My daughter is wonderful mother and last year when I was ill she reversed the roles and mothered me to health. She was my advocate in the hospital and helped to oversee my care to assure my full recovery. She became my strength when I had no strength and my comfort when I was so weak. I give her credit for much of my health today.
I have a relative who has been dealing with cancer for several years. She has been a wonderful example of motherhood and strength. Several times the doctors have told her that her prognosis is not good but she continues to move forward taking each day as it comes never complaining. Even though she is younger than me she is a great role model for our family and exhibits the qualities of a good mother in the way she faces her illness.
Another great example of motherhood is a niece who has a child who needs a kidney transplant. She has cared for her daughter and never considers stopping when she is tired and weary because she always puts her child's needs before her own. She will donate her own kidney when the time is right.
She is an incredible mother and her mother is there to back her up and show her what a mother's love and strength can be.
So you see there are many mothers who help us through life. My sisters, nieces, daughter, family and friends have all played such an important and motherly role for me. I am forever grateful for all the wonderful examples of caring, compassion and strength. Those are all attributes of a wonderful mother.
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