Today I was honored along with five other women as Women Of Impact in our community. Each time an honor comes my way I think about all the people who helped me succeed.
First I think of my mother who always believed in me and helped to learn to believe in myself. She encouraged me to reach out beyond my comfort zone and experience new things. She was an example of a woman who was not afraid to do anything. Many times I stepped out in fear but I gradually became more confident as the years passed.
My husband was another teacher and while his methods were sometimes challenging he gave me the desire to try new things because he was so willing to do so. When I was learning to ski I normally stayed on slopes that were comfortable but he pushed me to try more difficult runs and pretty soon I succeeded. Each time I overcame my fear I had more confidence.
I went to college for one year and didn't have the money to continue and yet I consider myself highly educated due to the many classes and opportunities I took advantage of. I studied with a Master Neuro Linguistics teacher and a genius who wrote the book "The Einstein Factor." I had such a keen curiosity that I continually afforded myself the opportunity to learn and grow as an individual. I attended the first weekend workshop Deepak Chopra ever held and many seminars by Wayne Dyer, I studied Ho Opono Pono, Chi Gong and other interesting self actualization classes. And all along the way I found teachers to help me.
Today I was honored for my work in the community but in truth I owe it all to my many teachers who showed me the way. I am grateful for all the examples and lessons and am humbled that it was me who received the honor.
What an honor-Congratulations! Education is obtained through so many avenues and you have done it wonderfully! Thanks for sharing.