I have found myself this last six months so focused on recovering from the West Nile virus that I have been consumed by the illness. I think this probably happens to a lot of us when we are so sick or weak that all we can think about is what is happening to us day to day. It takes so much energy to gather your strength back and recover.
However, I know for me it is important not to identify myself as the illness and to observe myself separately from it. It has been such an experience for me to go through the near death times in the hospital and regain all my faculties and abilities. I am grateful and they say I am a miracle so I daily talk about getting stronger and healthier. I focus my attention as best I can on how far I have come and am happy with the progress I have made. I am willing to free myself from the experience of being ill.
I know that I have a story to tell that is important for others to hear. First we all need to be aware of the danger of mosquitos carrying this terrible disease so we can prevent others from getting the virus. Also it is valuable to understand how important prayer and the love of friend and family are in any healing process. I believe that I was carried through this illness on a cloud of love and support from so many people. I have truly been blessed to have that.
So today as I feel the aches and pains in my body I allow my higher self to observe my body and consider how interesting it is to be alive and experience all the different things I feel. It is everyone's experience to have gradual decline of the physical body. I will focus on the inner body for it does not grow old.
For some reason I didn't think West Nile virus was something we could get here in the USA...and especially in your part of the country! Glad to hear that you are recovering.