Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Tribute to My Daughter On Mother's Day

My daughter is truly an incredible woman.  She is strong, caring, fun and beautiful.  She is a good friend to others and is really my best friend.  Sometimes I look at her and wonder how something so beautiful could have come from me.  If life is constantly moving in a positive direction, then each generation will be better than the one before.  I know that is true for me. 

My daughter has an inner strength and determination that reminds me of my mother.  She has the courage to stand for what she believes is right but would never be unkind or hurt someone in the process.  I find it comforting to rely on her wisdom and know that whenever I have a bad day she knows immediately and will step in to help me reframe whatever problem I am facing.  She helps me to see the good in all and understands me in a way that few others do. 

I have experienced having a great mother then being mother to my mother.  I have also been a mother to my daughter and often need my daughter to mother and comfort me.  My life has been truly blessed to have the benefit of strong women around me and I am grateful. 

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