Sunday, April 15, 2012


Spring is a time of renewal and growth.  It is exciting to see each day the new green on the trees and the flowers as they start to bloom.  Some days are sunny and beautiful and others are windy, stormy, rainy with even a bit of snow.  Yesterday in west Texas there were strong winds with a 200 foot wall of dust and very low visibility.  On Friday there were floods and hail in the Panhandle and tornados in Oklahoma.  This morning in Colorado there was snow.  All these are signs of Spring and the struggle for birth. 

The newness, beauty and struggle of rebirth are all part of the change that comes about this time of year. If you really look at it each of the seasons are reflective of the changes that come about in our lives.  After spring and the newness and rebirth comes summer and a time to be "out there" and more exposed.  Fall brings a time to begin to let go and store up our energy and strength and then the winter is a time for introversion and reflection.  It is all in it's perfect time.

So for today I will enjoy the sunny day and watch for the new growth as I reflect on what is happening inside me.  The new thoughts, ideas, plans for travel and many opportunities to be "out there" once again.

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