Sunday, August 10, 2014


I just received a note from a man who as a young man used to spend a lot of time at our house.  He would run several miles from his home to visit with me.  He was a couple of years older than my children but we had some good conversations.  You never know what the gift of time can mean to another person.  Today I received the following note from him and want to share it.

I didn't realize the impact that our time together had on the fine man he turned out to be.  I am so grateful that anything I did make a positive impact on his life.  So today I share this with you encouraging you to give of yourself the best you can.  You never know what a difference it might make.

ALOHA how are you?? Nice seeing all your pictures on Facebook, you seem like a very busy person.
Always want you to know I think of you!. when i'm talking late with my daughters, I remember it was you that helped me to know how relieving just talking could be, it brought peace of mind and was our late night talks that remind me of how much I wanted to be a dad who listened to my kids. THANK YOU, SO MUCH FOR YOUR HEART!!!!!

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